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Concrete Batch Plant

Concrete batching operations involve the processing of concrete and the handling of concrete components.  Concrete is a mixture of sand, aggregate, Portland cement, and water.  Sand and aggregate add strength and cement acts as a binding agent in the mixture.  A cement supplement, such as potash, may replace a portion of the cement to influence the mixture's properties such as its permeability or strength.  The concrete formula may vary depending upon the engineering specifications, its specific application, and the weather.  Various types of equipment used in concrete batching operations can include hoppers, silos, conveyors, pumps, storage bins, front end loaders, trucks, engines, motors, generators, and boilers/water heaters. 

There are 2 general methods of producing concrete:  Wet-batching and dry batching.  Wet-batching is a process whereby concrete is mixed at the plant and is then transported to a job site where it's poured.  The concrete may also be mixed and poured into molds on-site to create pre-formed products such as concrete pipes, slabs, and beams.  Dry-batching is a process whereby concrete components are loaded into a truck mounted mixer and then subsequently mixed by the truck enroute to a job site where it is poured.  An alternate form of dry-batching is the loading of concrete components into separate bins on a truck where the components remaining unmixed until they are offloaded at the job site.

Who Needs a Permit?

  • Any concrete batch plant which would emit any pollutant, without the benefit of an air pollution control device, greater than or equal to 2 pounds in any 24 hours period.
  • Equipment registered under CARB's Portable Equipment Registration Program is not required to have a permit unless it is being operated as part of a stationary source as determined by MBARD..
  • BoilersDust Collection Systems, Engines and other accessory equipment will need separate permit applications.

Permit Fees 

New Installations: 

Concrete Batch Plants shall submit a one-time NEW APPLICATION fee for applying Authority to Construct/Permit to Operate (Rule 300 Fees).

Dust Collection Systems and Internal Combustion Engines: 

When a concrete batch plant is permitted with a dust collection system or an internal combustion engine, a separate application for Authority to Construct is required for each dust collection system and each engine over 50 horsepower. 


For modifications resulting in any physical change or change in method of operation shall pay the MODIFICATION fee specified in Rule 300.

Permit Application Completeness Determination

An application will not be accepted for processing until it is deemed complete. The following will be required in order for MBARD to make a completeness determination.

  • Completed Form 1 ATC-PTO Application with the original signature of the owner/proprietor or responsible officer of the company.
  • Submittal of fees outlined in Form 400-General Application Fee Determination Sheet, and in accordance with District Rule 300.
  • Submittal of Concrete Batch Plant Supplemental Information Form (under construction).
  • Any additional information that may be requested in order to perform a health risk assessment or to better understand the process or the applicability of regulations.