Coffee Roasting
Coffee bean roasting facilities range from small gourmet coffee shops to medium-sized commercial operations with locally distributed products to large facilities with national product distribution. Coffee roasting refers to any operation involving the processing of unroasted coffee beans into roasted coffee beans. The majority of coffee bean roasters are equipped with natural gas fired burners to provide heat for the roasting process. The various types of equipment used in these coffee bean roasting operations include: hoppers, chaff collectors, screens, roasters, cooling trays, cyclones and thermal oxidizers.
What Needs a Permit?
Coffee roasters equipped with natural gas-fired burners to provide heat for the roasting process
Permit Fees
New Installations:
Coffee roasting operations are required to submit a one-time NEW APPLICATION fee for applying Authority to Construct/Permit to Operate (Rule 300 District Fees).
For modifications resulting in any physical change or change in method of operation shall pay the Modification fee specified in Rule 300.
Permit Application Completeness Determination
An application will not be accepted for processing until it is deemed complete. The following will be required for the Monterey Bay Air Resources District (MBARD) to make a completeness determination:
- Completed Form 1 ATC-PTO Application with the original signature of the owner/proprietor or responsible officer of the company.
- Submittal of fees outlined in Form 400-General Application Fee Determination Sheet and in accordance with District Rule 300.
- Submittal of Coffee Roaster Supplemental Information Form.
- Any additional information that may be requested in order to perform a health risk assessment or to better understand the process or the applicability of regulations
Documents/ Forms
Clarification of Permit Requirements for Coffee Roasting OperationsPermit Application Forms
Form 1 ATC-PTO ApplicationApplication Fee Determination Sheet (effective July 1, 2024)Recommended Exhaust Stack ConfigurationMBARD Rules
State Rule
California Health and Safety Code, Section 42301.6, Public Notice For Possible Source Of Air Hazardous Emissions Near School Prior To Approving Permit