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Dust Collection Systems

Baghouses are a type of Dust Collection System that capture particulate emissions using fabric tubes (socks), cartridges or envelopes.  Baghouses are used in a number of different industries, such as wood product manufacturing, concrete batch plants, metal manufacturing and aggregate handling operations.  Regardless of the media, most baghouses have the potential to emit particulate matter indirectly through capturing particles and the handling of the waste.

Who Needs a Permit?

  • Woodworking operations in which the total aggregated electrical horsepower of equipment used for carving, cutting, surface grinding, planing, routing, sanding, sawing, shredding or turning of wood exceeds 50 horsepower.
  • Woodworking operations venting a non-sanding processes (sawing, carving, drilling, routing, etc.) vented to a dust collection equipment which vents outdoors.

Permit Fees

New Installations:

Dust collection systems are required to submit a one-time NEW APPLICATION fee for applying Authority to Construct/Permit to Operate (Rule 300 District Fees).


For modifications resulting in any physical change or change in method of operation shall pay the MODIFICATION fee specified in Rule 300.

Permit Application Completeness Determination

An application will not be accepted for processing until it is deemed complete.  The following will be required in order for the Monterey Bay Air Resources District (MBARD) to make a completeness determination:


Permit Application Forms

Form 1 ATC-PTO ApplicationApplication Fee Determination Sheet (effective July 1, 2024)

Recordkeeping Forms


State Rules

California Health and Safety Code, Section 42301.6, Public Notice For Possible Source Of Air Hazardous Emissions Near School Prior To Approving Permit